Celebrated every year on 11 March, World Start-Up Day aims to highlight and promote start-ups around the world.
This was initiated by promoters of the African Start-up Forum (ASF). The ASF is an operational and non-governmental centre that supports young companies in the creation, promotion, acceleration and development of their projects in Africa.
World Start-Up Day was celebrated for the first time on 11 March 2017, and aims to show the positive impact of start-ups, to highlight innovation, but also to promote employability.
On this occasion, let us celebrate the creators from around the world, men and women, who are launching themselves into the creation of a start-up, and who are making their project a reality. Let us encourage them and congratulate them for their courage.
What is a start-up ?
This term refers to a young innovative company with strong development potential. It can also be noted that the need for funding, which translates into the search for investment funds, is often present among start-ups.
It is important to note that there is no precise definition of what a start-up is. To be qualified in this way, several criteria must be met, such as those mentioned above. But other criteria can also be identified. We can find the search for a solid and sustainable business model, but also the fact that this “start-up” stage is temporary.
The “start-up” designation is therefore temporary, since it qualifies, among other things, the start-up of a business. A start-up therefore aims to evolve towards a stable and sustainable company over time. A company is no longer called a “start-up” when it has managed to stabilize its business model and thus to be stable over time.
Réseau Entreprendre
To celebrate this day, we could have honoured start-ups around the world. But we chose to highlight those who accompany them. Through this, we want to encourage you to concretize your ideas, your projects, by talking to you about the Réseau Entreprendre.
What is the Réseau Entreprendre ?
It is a network of associations of business leaders, who have specialized in entrepreneurial support since 1986. Their role is therefore to advance each creator, buyer or developer of a company with high potential. Moreover, to make you succeed.
For this, the Réseau Entreprendre offers you a human and financial support (free, and over time), carried out by experienced business leaders, and in activity.
Business Angel
What is a business angel ?
This is a natural person who invests part of his financial wealth in start-ups. But a business angel does more than that. He supports, and brings to the table his skills and expertise to help entrepreneurs develop their start-ups. They are therefore major players in their development. It is therefore important for us to present today Mer Angels and Ouest Angels.
“Mer Angels is a club dedicated to bringing together passionate entrepreneurs and investors who want to bring new dynamism to the maritime economy!”
Mer Angels, which was created by France Angels, aims to provide the support, expertise and support necessary for the development of innovative start-ups in the maritime sector. To do this, they connect investors interested in the maritime economy with entrepreneurs in the sector.
Ouest Angels is also a Business Angels network.
“We are here to help you create and develop your business project. We bring you not only our capital, but also our skills, our experiences and our contacts.
Business Angels always take minority shares, their goal is not to manage the company, but to accompany its leader and team. If the members of Ouest Angels agree to invest and invest in your project, it’s because they believe in it ! “
So if you have a project, that you have for objective to set up your start-up, think about turning to these actors. Le Réseau Entreprendre, Mer Angels and Ouest Angels have been accompanying Pierre, Alban, and Jean-Baptiste in the development of BirdyFish, and continue to be at their side to build the future together.
So if we can give you some advice, go for it ! Don’t be afraid to launch your projects : get support.