Credit picture : epsilon composite
You may or may not be completely unfamiliar with this concept. But you should know that it is not useless or uninteresting. Composite is an important process in many areas. That’s why we want you to discover it through its definition but also through BirdyFish.
What is composite ?

Composite is a manufacturing process that combines two or more components with complementary properties. This allows the components, once allied, to have properties that they do not possess separately. It is found in many sectors, such as aeronautics, boating, agriculture, automotive, etc.
To create a composite, it is enough to assemble the different layers and combine them thanks to a chemical process. Most often, composites are based on fibreglass, flax fiber, or carbon fiber.
Its advantages
The main advantage of composite is its structure. It can be completely adapted to its use. Each sampling is done on a “map” basis, and allows you to target certain areas where mechanical constraints may be greater, for example. That is, the sampling (composition of the different layers) of the piece is not necessarily uniform throughout the final piece.
In addition, it is a process that combines high mechanical strength with low mass. Unlike steels for example. This justifies it in many leading-edge fields, such as aeronautics, aerospace, automotive, and generally in all motorsports.
The place of composite at BirdyFish

The place of composite at BirdyFish
- Shell (fibreglass)
- Foil (Carbon)
- Saffron (Carbon)
Birdyfish has decided to manufacture foils and rudders in-house. This allows us to have better control over these key elements.
In view of the mechanical forces and the “weight” stress, the composite was identified as essential for the appendices.
To say a little more about these parts, they are made of carbon fiber and epoxy resin. You will understand that we cannot say too much in order to preserve the magic…
From a more global perspective, the integration of appendage manufacturing allows BirdyFish to acquire expertise in this process. This skill adds real added value to our company’s know-how.