« With the Birdy there is just to climb on and fly »
Guillaume Potel Tournemirel, Responsable formation du Centre Nautique du Cap d’Agde
Cap d’Agde Nautical Centre
The Cap d’Agde Nautical Centre, which has been open since 1995, aims to « sailing for all » by developing water sports. Bordering the Richelieu East beach, it offers a permanent view to the sea. With a diverse fleet the Cap d’Agde Nautical Centre offers nautical activities for all levels and all ages, in groups, as a family or as an individual.
Website : https://www.centrenautique-capdagde.com/
Email : contact@centrenautique-capdagde.com
Phone number : +33 (0)64 67 01 46 46

Who are you ?
My name isGuillaume Potel Tournemirel, I am responsible for the formation of the centre. The Cap d’Agde Nautical Centre is a partner of the CREPS of Montpellier, so we train BPJEPS in particular. At the moment, the instructors are being are trained in navigation with the Birdy. We got it during quarantine (early 2021). The goal is to make discover sailing to the member of the club, but also to our summer customer. Our services with the Birdy are private lessons. However, we don’t offer an internship with.
Was the Birdy the first dinghy foil you tried and bought ?
Yes, we tried BirdyFish on the occasion of the day organized by the Occitanie League on all the supports to foil. The OneFly was also present at this event. The BirdyFish is the first dinghy in the centre.

What was your first impression when you tried it ?
At this event, I didn’t try it. But there is really this feeling of flight. Fly easily and quickly. There is this ease to fly because there are no adjusments to be made. Unlike other supports like the wingfoil where it takes a certain level to practice. With the Birdy, you just have to climb on it and fly. You can take someone who’s never flown and make them fly in five minutes if there’s a little wind. The advantage of foils is that they are already set, there is just to control the boat’s trim and sails.
Why did you choose BirdyFish ?
The goal was todevelop the practice of foil in the center. The Birdy seemed to be the best, lthe easiest to make discover it to as many people as possible. Its advantage is novice can climb on and fly right away.
Your students have already been able to navigate with ?
For now we just trained the instructors on it. The students have not yet sailed with it. But it is planned for the month of June to involve the students. A bit like a gift at the end of the year.

Would you advise others ? On a scale of 1 to 10.
We are rather conquered by the boat, so yes we would recommend it. If we had to note it, we would put 9/10. 9/10.
What do you think of the future of foil in sailing ?
It’s a fairly broad question. But we see that everything goes through in foil. Its peculiarity is that on certain suport it’s quite dangerous. On the dinghy there is a more secure side, at least on the Birdy. As a sailing school we realize that it is a little the future. More and more of our boats have foils. Then it depends on the technical level. Whatever the support, we find foils. Even on paddle boards.