
The simple, High-performance, evolutive foiling dinghy

The simple, high-performance,
evolutive foiling dinghy


Order BirdyFish

Choose your version

One boat, two set of sails

The BirdyFish is a foiling dinghy designed for double-handed sailing and to meet many of your needs: from learning to foil to the quest for performance in regattas.

This versatility allows the BirdyFish to evolve with your level, giving you the best of both worlds, for shared, accessible and exhilarating foiling.
La seule différence entre les deux versions sont les voiles.
The only difference between the two versions is the sails. Choose the one that suits you best, or take both.

Fun version

For learning

The fun set of sails is for you if you're looking for the pleasure of flying, tacking, and sturdy sails that allow you to sail in all conditions.

Self-regulating J-foils that not only make the dinghy fly, but also help to straighten it.

A sum of details that together make the BirdyFish easy, fast and stable.

  Dacron mainsail with two reefing lines
  Dacron jib on roller furler
  Code 0 nylon

20 541€ EX VAT

Race version

The adrenalin of racing

The race sail set will meet all your expectations if you want to race and take a flying reaching start like
the SailGP. Or if you simply want more technical sails with greater precision.

A set of diaphragm sails, giving amplitude and tuning precision.

  Mainsail, jib & code 0 membrane sails

22 500€ EX VAT



  road trailer

  top & foil cover







14m2 upwind

20m2 downwind

sail area


max on-board weight


max recorded speed




Scow hull
Two foils
Load-bearing rudder plane
Large, deep and secure cockpit
Quality Harken fittings


Powerful sail plan
Take-off in 8-10 knots
Impressive acceleration
20+ knots of speed


One boat, several programs:
The race version
for regatta enthusiasts
The fun version
for freeride fun

They loved it

“What a pleasure to be able to foil despite my advanced age on a reliable and easy boat! The big plus: being able to share these moments in complete safety, whatever the level of the crew member. Looking forward to next season”
Quel bonheur de pouvoir foiler malgré mon âge avancé sur un bateau fiable et facile ! Le gros plus : pouvoir partager ces moments en toute sécurité quelque soit le niveau de l'équipier ou de l'équipière. Vivement la saison prochaine.
“Addictive, flying on the water with this ease is simply brilliant. A sturdy boat, as easy to set up as a classic dinghy or catamaran. To try it is to adopt it. To date, I've sailed it 30 times, and even with beginner crew, it's a blast! I still haven't found the limits of this very accessible boat.”
Addictif, voler sur l’eau avec cette facilité est tout simplement génial. Bateau robuste, aussi facile à mettre en œuvre qu’un dériveur ou cata classique. L’essayer c’est l’adopter. A date 30 sorties au compteur, et même avec des équipiers débutants cela envoie ! Je n’ai pas encore trouvé les limites de ce bateau pourtant très accessible.
“My BirdyFish is since June 6, 2023: 15 outings, 497km covered, to date 22 knots max, lots of fun, extraordinary flying sensations, the song of the foils in vibration, delighted crew members, it's accessible & fun.”
“My BirdyFish is since June 6, 2023: 15 outings, 497km covered, to date 22 knots max, lots of fun, extraordinary flying sensations, the song of the foils in vibration, delighted crew members, it's accessible & fun.”
My Birdyfish has been since June 6, 2023, 15 outings - 497km traveled - 22 knots max. Lots of pleasure, extraordinary flight sensations, the sound of the foils vibrating, delighted teammates. It’s fun and accessible!
Mon Birdyfish, c’est depuis le 06 juin 2023, 15 sorties - 497km parcouru - 22 noeuds maxi Beaucoup de plaisirs, des sensations de vols extraordinaires, le chant des foils en vibrations, des équipiers enchantés. C’est accessible ludique !

I give my opinion

FOILS JOURNEES | 29/30 mars



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