How to winterise your BirdyFish for a perfect season ?

In this article, we’ll guide you through a four-step process for successfully winterising your foiling dinghy.

Stage 1: Dismasting and preparation

The first step in wintering is to dismast your BirdyFish and remove all sensitive equipment. Be sure to remove the rudder, rudders and foils carefully. Don’t neglect the blocks and boots, as these small parts can be prone to corrosion if left exposed to sun and salt.

Step 2: Thorough cleaning

After dismantling the essential parts, rinse the whole boat thoroughly in fresh water. Soak blocks and ropes in a bucket of fresh water overnight to remove salt and marine residues. Thorough cleaning in a bucket of fresh water overnight to remove salt and marine residues.

Stage 3: The Big Clean

Use a brush to clean the entire boat with fresh water. Pay particular attention to fittings and hard-to-reach areas. A thorough cleaning will remove the dirt accumulated over the season.

Stage 4: Drying and storage

Once your BirdyFish is clean and sparkling, be sure to dry each part thoroughly. Store the parts in a dry, protected place. Use your quality Birdyfish cover to cover the boat. This protection will prevent water pockets from forming and the gelcoat from scratching.

Once you’ve followed these rigorous winterisation steps, you’ll have enough time to carry out a full technical inspection. This check will enable you to detect and repair any potential damage caused by salt and sunlight quickly, thereby extending the life of your BirdyFish.


Video tip !

To help you along the way, we’ve created a series of informative videos on our YouTube channel. You’ll find practical adviceon how to prepare your BirdyFish for a successful foiling session. The procedures we present are applicable to all aspects of the boat, which will make the wintering process much easier.

If you have any further questions or require assistance with winterising your BirdyFish, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be delighted to help you prepare your boat for an exceptional summer season. Take advantage of the winter to prepare your boat, and the following summer you’ll be able to foil with complete peace of mind, making the most of your well-maintained BirdyFish.


First tutorial in the series, with explanations from Jean-Baptiste and Pierre. You’ll get an overview of how to proceed when wintering your foiling dinghy.

BirdyFish retailers are waiting for you !

We’re delighted and proud to see the international interest in our foiling dinghy. Faced with growing demand, we’ve embarked on a path of development outside France, and it’s only just begun.

Currently surrounded by a network of retailers we intend to continue to grow rapidly. We’ll be sure to share this adventure with you! Tell us in the comments which countries you’d like to see BirdyFish set up in ! For any other information, we remain available.
